1 January 2014


Questions on the above photo:
  1. When was this photo taken?
  2. Where was it taken?
  3. Who is the man welcoming?
  4. Why is "PEACE" written on his chin?
  5. Why do people celebrate New Year's?
  6. Was 2013 a "good" or a "bad" year for the world?
  7. What would be a good title for this photo?

What are your New Year's resolutions?!

Here are some popular ones:
  • Lose weight/eat better
  • Exercise more
  • Work a bit harder/more efficiently
  • Stop procrastinating
  • Stress less
  • Quit smoking
  • Be nice to my parents

1 comment:

  1. I think that the fact to take resolutions is a good idea. But, in reality, almost resolutions are not done during the year. So, is it important to take them ? Do we have to ignore this custom ? Nowadays, people are doing what they want, but I think that stop smoking, doing more exercise can be a good thing. In France, it is said that when there are the greatest entries in sports clubs is at least January. A coincidence ?
