- freedom
- freedom of expression
- press freedom
- the role and responsabilities of journalists
- political satire
- humour
- political cartoons and their impact
- anarchy and left-wing politics
- terrorism
- islamism
- totalitarian regimes and theocracies
- religious/social/ethnic intolerance
- the marginalization of Muslim communities in France
- secularism and French "laïcité" laws
- anti-defamation laws
- the rise of the extreme-right
- multiculturalism
- racism and poverty
- social and spatial divide in urban areas
- anti-semitism
- blasphemy
- iconoclasm
- protest and solidarity marches
- groupthink
- etc.
Here are a few links to help you try and understand more clearly the issues involved:
Wikipedia entries:
> Charlie Hebdo shooting
> Islam
> Islamism
> Islam in France
> Depictions of Muhammad
> List of freedom indices
> Iconoclasm
> Groupthink
> Toleration
> Laïcité (in English)
> Islam and free speech: What's so funny? Aljazeera article
> International: des voix discordantes sur les caricatures de Charlie Hebdo. Contrepoints
> Caricatures de Charlie Hebdo : Peut-on rire de tout? Contrepoints
> Je ne suis pas Charlie... The Guardian
> Charlie Hebdo tributes. THE DAY
> Protests and demonstrations. THE DAY
> A The Guardian journalist's opinion on French laïcité
> The Pope's view. AP
> "France must reach out to disillusioned young Muslims...". The Guardian
> Video from The Guardian: interviews of members of the British Muslim community.
> What are the issues around the Charlie Hebdo shootings? THE DAY
Other sources:
> Statement by the High Commissioner (UN) for human rights
> World Press Freedom Index 2014
Please send as "comment" suggestions for other sources!